Google Heading Towards an Interesting Address System

Google heading towards an interesting address system

Google has been silently rolling out a plus code for the addresses that go noticed recently. There is no mention about it on the social media handles and things are happening. As per Google maps, the plus codes will work like street addresses. A person can use a plus code to find or share a location on Map.

A plus code is a combination of two elements; first one being 6 to 7 letter alphanumeric code and second being the name of the city and state.

These plus codes can be used to find a place in Google or you can give these codes to locate a place. The feature is available in both iOS and Android devices.

There is no news on who is running these plus codes on Google but it seems to be an extension of an existing project of Open Location Code.

Why Plus Codes?

This is quite interesting to know as why Google is doing this. There are many similar services available and Google might be looking for an easy way to integrate grid based addressing system into the Google maps.

Reasons are still guesswork like:

  • Google might have found the current address system challenging to integrate with Google maps
  • Google maps are also being used for commercial purposes and hence the company has given a thought to play safe.

Google has left this to plus code developers as an open platform and there are no charges for it.

This move will help people locate their street as many people is the world are living in unnamed street and this initiative by Google will provide them an address for them as well.

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