Waste Management Techniques to Trim Down Pollution

waste management techniques

Waste management refers to the process of offering various recycling solutions and treating solid wastes that are not trash. Waste management should be known to each individual in the world as it is about the garbage that can be transformed into a valuable resource.

Huge problem

This is a global problem. In fact, Americans alone produce 220 million tons every year as waste. This is really very high in comparison to many more nations in the world. This is the reason that the environmental associations and the government are working on new dealing to resolve this problem. Waste management is the only solution and it deals with the collection, transportation, and sewage and garbage disposal of waste products.

Need of today

The need for innovative and sophisticated systems of waste management has become higher now and there is a need to find and adopt new methods of waste management. Europe offers the best waste management solutions Germany, Belgium and Austria are top 3 recycling performers.  Of course, recycling is not the only way to ensure well-functioning and sophisticated waste management system but definitely is the key component.

Countries resolving


Germany has a reputation for its effectiveness, organization and world-class engineering. Germany has done many things to sort out the garbage issue. It banned garbage traditional dumps with the sophisticated system and by 2022 aim to use all the waste to produce energy.

They estimate to save from recycling around €3.7 billion a year. Implementing waste management advanced systems implies more investment to deal with waste. The advantage is that German entrepreneurs consider this as a business opportunity and owing to this today the 50000 garbage dumps are transformed into 60 mechanical and biological factories for waste processing, 70 incinerators and 800 units use organic waste to produce compost.

Germany promotes the green dot system. This means the retailers and manufacturers should have on their product packaging a green dot and they should pay for this dot. More packaging means higher fee thus businesses reduce packaging and help in recycling, thereby thinner glass, less paper and metal are used, which means waste produced is reduced.


Austria is also good in waste management, though a small country. It has been successful in separating recyclable waste using traditional initiatives and has reduced the landfill. Another innovative approach refers to Austrian Biotech Company using new waste management method using fungal enzymes to recycle PET. PET is broken by the enzymes into building blocks and is converted into high-value polymers. The PET plastic is done using bio-engineered fungal enzymes that new by-products are produced naturally. Thus new materials are not produced using petroleum and thus 100% is recycled.


Belgium in waste management is a top performer. The waste is recycled, reused or composted to 75%, that the overall waste generation is reduced. Belgium has the Ecolizer and green event as waste management sophisticated techniques. Ecolozier tackles at source the waste problem such that it calculates and enables companies and designers to assess the products environmental impact. Even the green event is a digital tool to fight waste generation. It calculates ecological impact and prevents waste.

Cool Waste Management Ideas to Adopt

If the other countries wish to meet the waste management, there is an urgent need to consider innovative ways to handle waste.

  • Meet Mr Trash Wheel From USA

This water and solar-powered trash cleaner collect debris and litter flowing down the Baltimore River and this wonder machine in 3 years have removed from the river 1.1 million pounds of garbage, including 372,650 plastic bottles and cigarette buds 8.9 million. The success with Mr Trash Wheel is immense. The harbour is cleaner due to this eco-friendly machine powered by the sun and strong river current.

Working: The rivers current turns the water wheel and so the debris and trash is picked from water, thus is deposited into a barge into the machine. Again when the current of the water is not strong, solar panel attached offers the power.

  • Consider Australia’s SmartBelly and BigBelly

With the smarter ways coming in everything, Australia found a solution with SmartBelly bins and Bigbelly solar compactor bins. These create extra space when the bin is full and automatically segregates waste at the collection point, besides is compostable friendly. It has the capacity of 600 litres.

Working: Bigbelly uses the power from the sun. There are sensors inside the bins that get triggered that more space gets created. Thus more garbage space results in fewer trips to the collection, fewer emissions and lower costs.

The SmartBelly Bin monitors and separates the collection levels at the collection point of your recyclables by itself and helps in process of composting, thus waste is treated.

  • Germany Deals With Plastic Menace

Taking inspiration from India, leaf plates are produced and the plastic pollution is addressed. These plates are of leaves and not a single tree was to produce these plates. The plates are biodegradable. India has such eco-conscious companies making such biodegradable and eco-friendly plates, yet the trend has not caught up.

  • Brazil Redecorate using Plastic Bottles

A plastic bottle decomposes once in 1000 years and so it is ideal to beautify your house using empty plastic bottles instead of throwing it away.

  • Columbia Rewards People For Giving Back Plastic Waste

Vending Machines were set up in shopping malls, public spaces and institutions and each time there is a plastic cap or bottle deposit they received movie tickets, restaurant coupons or shopping dollars. These collects were sent to recycling plants directly.

These attempts are tried in India as Swachh Bharat Recycling machine in Mumbai at few railway stations and are found to be successful, yet it is the high time all the countries ‘do adopt these methods of waste management from other countries and reduce pollution around you “.

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